pondelok 12. apríla 2010

Travelling Symposium Bratislava

„One of the aims of the Travelling Symposium is to monitor how is the genius loci reflected in visual artwork, and also to promote contemporary author jewellery. That is why we decided to travel from a place to place.”
Miroslav Cogan (organiser)

Date: 2nd October – 9th October 2008
Place: Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava
Prof. Deganit Stern Schocken (IL)
Stefanie Klemp (D)
Gisbert Stach (D)
Kepa Karmona (SP)
Sonia Ruiz de Arkaute (SP)
Martin Papcún (CZ)
Jana Némethová (SK)
Pavol Prekop(SK)
Ulrich Reithofer (A)

Kepa Karmona
Stefanie Klemp Kepa Karmona
Deganit Stern Schocken workshop view working table
Deganit Stern Schocken

utorok 6. apríla 2010

Matej Bezuch

Young Slovak artist/ jeweller. Signs of his works are notoriously known attributes of interface and cyberspace in 3D processing. The meaning of his jewelley objects is thematically and materially connected with new technologies, mass computerization but particularly with the identity of an individual in the virtual world.
His works are often exhibited in his home country and also abroad

Karol Weisslechner

Karol Weisslechner’s interests include jewellery, objects, installation as well as interior architecture, design and scenography. Works of Karol Weisslechner can be found in state and private collections in Slovakia as well as abroad. He is the senior lecturer in the S+M+L_XL Metal and Jewellery Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava and he simultaneously works as Chancellor of the Academy.
Karol Weisslechner is a longtime propagator of authorial jewellery and its conception as an artistic artefact. Apart from lecturing and managing the Academy he regularly takes part in creative symposia in Slovakia as well as abroad. He also organizes international symposia on artistic jewellery, exhibitions, expert colloquia and study tours.

Karol Weisslechner
Venuje sa voľnej tvorbe v oblasti šperku, objektu, inštalácie, ako aj interiérovej architektúre, dizajnu a scénografii. Diela K. Weisslechnera sú zastúpené v štátnych a súkromných zbierkach na Slovensku i v zahraničí.
Je vedúcim pedagógom v Ateliéri S+M+L_XL kov a šperk na Vysokej škole výtvarných umení v Bratislave. Toho času pôsobí na VŠVU aj vo funkcii rektora.
Karol Weisslechner patrí medzi neúnavných propagátorov autorského šperku a jeho chápania ako umeleckého artefaktu. Venuje sa prednáškovej a organizačnej činnosti. Sám sa pravidelne zúčastňuje tvorivých sympózií na Slovensku aj v zahraničí. Organizuje medzinárodné sympóziá umeleckého šperku, výstavy, odborné kolokviá a študijné cesty.

The Housewives

The Housewives is a project that started sometime in 2002 and still goes on. It’s interactivity between German jewellerer Steffany Klemp and Slovak jewellerer Bety Majernikova. Authors are cooperating in creation of art/jewellery pieces, and present them on the ironical way, as pieces made at home in the free time. It is a commentary on still running categorization of art creation of “high art” and “low art”.

The Housewives je projekt ktorý vznikol niekde v roku 2002 a odvtedy kontinuálne pokračuje. Ide o spoluprácu dvoch výtvarníčiek, Steffany Klamp z Nemecka a Bety Majerníkovej zo Slovenska. Autorky spolupracujú na spoločných prácach, a ironicky ich prezentujú ako diela ktoré vznikajú „ v domácnosti“. Je to ich komentár na neustále kategorizovanie výtvarných disciplín na vyššie a nižšie.

Let’s shoot yourself...

Let’s shoot yourself with jewellery... is name of exhibition of Bety Majernikova, it was located in Slovak National Gallery in March 2007. The aim of the author was to present jewellery in new way, to catch the attention of audience, that doesn’t usually look for contemporary jewellery. The concept was simple: visitors could come and as soon as they put any of jewels on them they become the object of interest. People could choose, try and photograph themselves with a piece of their choice.

Let’s shoot yourself with jewellery je názov akcie Bety Majerníkovej, ktorá sa uskutočnila v Slovenskej národnej galérii. Išlo o pokus prezentovať šperky iným spôsobom, autorke išlo o to, aby bola prezentácia zaujímavá aj pre publikum ktoré bežne nevyhľadáva výstavy súčasného šperku. Vystavené šperky boli priamo prístupné publiku. Ľudia si mohli vyberať skúšať a fotiť sa zo šperkom podľa vlastného výberu.

